Valentin Marx

Fullstack web developer (5 years exp)


  • 2021

    Security lessons

  • 2019

    JUnit training at Inetum

  • 2014-2018

    Bachelor degree at Haute-École Robert Schuman (Libramont, BE) as analyst-developer / computer scientist.

  • 2013-2015

    6 Scout leader traineeships


  • french
  • english
  • dutch


Programming languages of choice

  • javascript
  • typescript
  • html
  • css
  • java
  • sql
  • php
  • c++
  • python
  • bash

Frameworks I'm familiar with

  • nodejs
  • vuejs
  • ionic
  • angular
  • svelte
  • rxjs
  • spring
  • hibernate
  • struts

Other things I'm familiar with

  • linux
  • git
  • ci/cd
  • gitlab
  • rest
  • graphql
  • leafletjs
  • ux
  • junit
  • tdd
  • swagger
  • vscode
  • eclipse
  • intellij
  • android
  • android studio
  • ios
  • sonar
  • scrum
  • jira
  • technical writing
  • network management
  • postgresql
  • maven
  • gradle
  • docker
  • wsl
  • kubernetes
  • soap
  • mongodb
  • shell
  • svn
  • uml
  • client support

Soft skills

  • Curiosity
  • Keeping myself up to date
  • Team work
  • Maintainability in mind
  • Availability
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Care a lot about UX


  • 2021-now

    Smag/LEA Agri - Libramont, BE

    Fullstack developer on an ionic mobile app for farming enterprises.

    • ionic
    • typescript
    • vuejs
    • html
    • css
    • nodejs
    • ios
    • android
    • php
    • docker
    • scrum

    Fullstack developer on a farming management system (FMS).

    • php
    • html
    • css
    • vuejs
    • nodejs
    • graphql
    • scrum
  • 2019-2021

    Inetum - Sophia-Antipolis, FR

    ACOSS: rewrite from scratch of a back office app with newer technologies.

    • java
    • spring
    • nodejs
    • angular
    • postgresql
    • swagger
    • kubernetes
    • technical writing
    • scrum
  • Fullstack developer for ACOSS (French social security). Corrective and evolutive maintenance on several legacy apps.

    • java
    • struts
    • javascript
    • postgresql
    • scrum
  • 2017-2018

    Jiway s.a. - Luxembourg, LU

    Internship then full time job as fullstack developer for several banking companies. Corrective maintenance of their CRM «MozaiK».

    • java
    • javascript
    • extjs
    • mssql
  • 2013-2018

    Haute École Robert Schuman (bachelor degree) - Libramont, BE

    Final project for my bachelor's degree that consists in helping an health care institution to manage meal orders.

    • javascript
    • vuejs
    • nodejs
    • expressjs
    • mongodb

    Architecture, algorithms, design patterns, data engineering. School projects: many games, web apps, desktop apps and group projects. First experience with SCRUM methodology.

    • java
    • c
    • c++
    • c#
    • php
    • cobol
    • mysql
    • postgresql
    • python (django)
    • angular
    • design patterns